Moon Tula
2:00 PM14:00

Moon Tula

Join Sierra Hollister for her Moon Tula (tula = balance in Sanskrit) Workshop! Sierra writes, "Our yoga practice offers us the opportunity to be in relationship with our soul. Our relationship with nature is born of the cycles of sun, moon and earth. Aligning our practice to the rhythms of sun, moon and earth is a way to achieve a much deeper, richer balance and harmony in life. Our relationship to sun, moon and earth is lifelong and perpetually alive with nourishment and wisdom unique to each of us. In our time together, we'll learn some of the simple ways to implement the monthly rhythm of the moon in our yoga practice and our lives." This workshop is all-levels and beginner friendly.

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Author Meet & Greet
12:00 PM12:00

Author Meet & Greet

Stop by the Bookshop on Saturday, November 5th between 12pm and 1pm to meet Sierra Hollister, yoga teacher and author of new book, "Moon Path Yoga: Kundalini Practices and Rituals for Women to Align with Lunar Cycles." Kundalini is one of the oldest forms of yoga, and it includes powerful, specific teachings for anyone identifying as female. Its lunar practices awaken the divine feminine, and also support overall well-being, health, and vitality. "Moon Path" is a beautifully-illustrated guide to this practice, featuring over 170 meditations for practitioners of all levels. Don't miss your opportunity to meet the author and be one of the first people to get your hands on this gorgeous book.

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Eclipse Moon Circle & Book Signing
7:00 PM19:00

Eclipse Moon Circle & Book Signing

This moon circle will be extra special!

Tuesday, October 25th is a solar eclipse and the eclipse energy overrides the new moon energy. This moon circle will be dedicated to flowing above the turbulence of eclipse season with sound energy : mantra & gong. You’ll emerge ready to ride the waves of eclipse season with energy and confidence.

Tuesday, October 25th is also the day that “Moon Path Yoga” is officially released into the world! The moon circle will conclude with a book signing, golden milk and healthy cookies!

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Juicy Old School Kundalini Flow & Book Signing!
9:00 AM09:00

Juicy Old School Kundalini Flow & Book Signing!

I would LOVE to share a yoga flow with you at LEAF’s Solid Gold 50th festival!

Join me on Saturday morning at 9:00 am in the Big Barn for a kundalini flavored yoga flow designed to get your festival ON!

AND! I will have copies of “Moon Path Yoga” available for sale post yoga and I would be delighted to sign copies and chat about the moon and yoga and life and love.

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to Jul 31


The Love♡Shine♡Play is an invitation to conscious connection and compassion, through practice, discussion, communion with nature & celebration. 4 days of solid yoga, music, community, connection and so much more!

​Come join us; Love. Shine. Play.

This 4 day yoga festival in the heart of downtown Asheville never fails to deliver the most over-the-top heart-quenching event of the year! Always an extraordinary collection of some of the best loved teachers in Asheville AND some of the best loved teacher in the world!

You simply cannot go wrong!

Click on this link to learn more about the festival mission, see the line up of presenters & musicians, the schedule and to purchase tickets.

AND - code sierra2022 will get you 15% off ticket prices

I am so incredibly honored to be presenting at Love Shine Play Festival AGAIN this year! These 4 days are hands down ~ my favorite 4 days of the summer. Each and every year ~ this is where my cup is filled!

I would love to see your smiling face at the festival and would especially love to see you in one of my offerings:

Moon Tula ~ New Moon Flow on Friday

Healing Gong Bath on Saturday

The Power of Love ~ a Hanuman story ~ on Sunday, co-presenting with Cat Matlock

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8:00 AM08:00


the area’s first-ever day long Yoga Festival ~

Saturday, June 11, 2022

8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Boston Farm, 6030 Oxford School Road, Claremont, NC 28601

Yoga ALL day! Food Trucks & local Vendors

ZenFest offers a variety of yoga opportunities on a scenic and historic 15 acre family farm in rural Catawba County. Come and practice with local teachers you already know and love as well as special guest teachers Sierra Hollister and Yogi J Miles. It’s going to be a magical day!

Use this link to learn more about the festival, see the schedule & purchase tickets

I’m so honored to be a guest at this festival and I would LOVE to have you join me at ZenFest and especially ~ join me for “ONLY LOVE IS REAL” ~ 2 hours of flowing vinyasa, kundalini kriya and sweet golden gong ~ all designed to unlock the heart and remind you : only love is real

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Purify the Temple
3:00 PM15:00

Purify the Temple

This workshop is the result of personal ritual and practice that spans 30+ years. It has become an annual event, previously offered as a New Year’s Eve workshop, in person and now as a virtual event with recording accessible for lifetime access.

It is incredibly valuable to come together & work with the kriyas of Kundalini Yoga to cleanse the body, mind & spirit in a deeper & more comprehensive way. To arrive with the intention of releasing the energy of the preceding year, fully and completely from the Temple of our Bodies.

In light of being in the heart of winter, the practice is always vigorous. We seek to purify ourselves deeply and completely ~ a final wash. While vigorous, it is always accessible to all levels, from beginner to advance practitioner. Modifications are offered as well as reminders to do what you can and rest when you need.

You can join this event in real time, virtually, or practice with the recording later. As with all of my courses, there is lifetime access to the recording.

Registration prior to December 31st is required. To register, use this link

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Yoga and the Path of Being Climate Awake and Proactive
4:00 PM16:00

Yoga and the Path of Being Climate Awake and Proactive

Here we are, living in the heart of the predicament, inhabiting an earth that is at once so broken, so imperiled yet so wild, so resilient. Our world, a seemingly never-ending landscape of suffering and injustice is also interspersed with breath-taking beauty, raw magic, courage, kindness and bravery. How does our yoga practice fit into this landscape of constant change and perhaps more importantly, how do we live our yoga in a meaningful way?

Recognizing that Climate Change poses an imminent threat to all life, this  workshop series seeks to provide one of the possible answers to how we might live our yoga by both educating and empowering the yoga community in taking on the work of being Climate Awake and Climate Proactive. Along with the insight of fundamental yogic teachings, practical tools and ways forward will be shared.

This is the second part of a 3 part digital events series on the Yoga Alliance platform. This event is free and offers CE credits

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Circle of the Moon - Yoga & Ritual
to Dec 18

Circle of the Moon - Yoga & Ritual

Join Sierra [IN PERSON] or [VIRTUAL] for Circle of the Moon

*all evenings happen at west asheville yoga & registration is found online at

Just as the moon powerfully controls the tides, the moon’s waxing and waning offers the key to rhythm and power in our own lives. When we surrender to the moon and align our movement and consciousness, we are reunited with the innate wisdom in our bones, in our soul.

I think of this wisdom as a permaculture of sorts, Ayurveda references it as cellular memory. Although our cells are in perpetual renewal, there is the genetic thread of DNA that holds our lineage, our ancestors. They live on in us, as do the stories of when we lived much more in tune with the cycles of nature, of season, of moon and sun. To find our way back to the source, within ourselves, is to awaken from the dream that kept us separate.

In recognition of the power of these cycles and the way back in that the moon offers us, again and again, over and over~ Sierra will offer the opportunity to gather, each Dark Moon and each Full Moon. Each gathering will offer the ritual of creating an altar, yoga, breathwork, meditation and gong. These gatherings are open to anyone,regardless of gender identification, who seeks to find their way back.

We will gather both in person and virtually the following dates and times.


All moon classes are sliding scale, $25-$35.

tuesday, oct. 5 – dark moon 6pm-8pm

tuesday, oct. 19 – full moon 6pm-8pm

thursday, nov 4 – dark moon 6pm–8pm

friday, nov 19 – full moon 6pm -8pm

saturday, dec 4 – dark moon 6pm–8pm

saturday, dec 18 – full moon 6pm–8pm

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bright fire ~ an evening of yoga & song to rekindle renewal
7:00 PM19:00

bright fire ~ an evening of yoga & song to rekindle renewal

Join Sierra & Chloe for an evening of yoga, song and renewal.

Flow, kriya and music to nourish the tender soul, nurture seasonal renewal and enrich the ground from which we grow. Both Beltane and Mother’s Day invite the ritual of renewal and gratitude.

Beltane, or the start of May is one of the cross quarter days on the wheel of the year, mid-way between equinox and solstice and ritual for both purifying and preparing for growth. Beltane translates to “bright fire”. Mother’s Day is a sweet bow of gratitude to the one who gave as life as well as all who have nourished us.

The promise of renewal is a whisper in every heart. We gather to draw the whisper out, to embody and make real this rejuvenation and reset, with movement and music.

This event will be livestreamed as well as recorded. Practice with us live or later, at your pleasure.

May 8th, 2021 ~ 7:00-9:00 pm EST, 4:00 - 6:00 pm PT

Register here to attend or receive the recording

Tickets are offered at three different levels ~

$50 Bright Fire Renewal

$25 Bright Fire Equity Pass

$108 Bright Fire Love for India

A portion of all event proceeds will go to India, 100% of Bright Fire Love for India tickets will go to India

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Ring in Love
3:00 PM15:00

Ring in Love

Friday, January 1st, 2021
3:00 - 5:00pm
All Levels Welcome

Save $10 if you sign up by December 18th, 2020
$40 with Early Bird Discount!
($50 after December 17th, 2021)

Join Sierra & Luna for an afternoon of movement, mantra, music and meaningful ritual to ring in love, beauty, truth and strength for 2021. This coming year has the tantric numerology of 5 ~ we'll set our compass together for the vitality and resilience of the 5th. This workshop is an annual event at AYC and always sells out. Early registration is encouraged to ensure your space.

Live Stream:
This practice will take place virtually via Zoom as a live online meeting. You will receive a link to sign in prior to the start of the event. The recording will be accessible for 48 hours.

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Purify the Temple
3:00 PM15:00

Purify the Temple

Thursday, December 31, 2020

3:00 - 5:00pm
All Levels Welcome

Save $10 if you sign up by December 17th, 2020
$40 with Early Bird Discount!
($50 after December 17th, 2021)

Ready to see 2020 to the door? In all the ways? This workshop is 100% about cleansing the body, mind and spirit. Releasing the energy of the year, making room for the new. Purifying the temple, the beautiful and divine temple in which your spirit dwells. Early registration is encouraged as this event sells out every year.

Live Stream:
This practice will take place virtually via Zoom as a live online meeting. You will receive a link to sign in prior to the start of the event. The recording will be accessible for 48 hours.

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Flow & Meditate
11:00 AM11:00

Flow & Meditate

Sweat is a universal symbol of hard work and determination and International Women’s Day is a day we celebrate the women putting in the extra sweat.

Please join me in the Biltmore Lululemon store this International Women’s Day for a complimentary yoga class + guided meditation.

Lululemon in Biltmore Village

1 Kitchin Place, Asheville, 28803

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Shadow of the Moon with Sierra & Dharam
6:30 PM18:30

Shadow of the Moon with Sierra & Dharam

The shadow of the moon consists of the 72 hours preceding a moon day and after it. This is the Gibbous Moon, a time of building to the peak of fruition and energy. It is a time when we can constructively work with the energy. Monday's full moon is in Virgo and is known as the Crow Moon in some regions and the Sap Moon in others.

This evening will be about movement, yoga, music, meditation, intention and sound healing. It will be magical as well as accessible to all levels. Our hearts, hopes, intentions and power are all amplified when we come together. Virgo is about service, about showing love through service. Get ready for the mystical, the magical and the possible.

$25 investment - register online at Asheville Yoga Center

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Climate Awake! A Yoga-in-Action Challenge
to May 26

Climate Awake! A Yoga-in-Action Challenge

  • Google Calendar ICS

This is my heart and my soul y’all!

I’ve been working on this challenge for the past year - in some ways, even longer. And - it’s finally launching! On Earth Day - April 22nd - the Climate Awake Challenge goes live!

You can check out the trailer about the challenge at

This challenge is designed to facilitate your ability to take action on the most important issue of our times - Climate Change. In spite of widespread agreement that our very future is threatened by Climate Change, many of us feel simply overwhelmed by the enormity of the task and where to even begin. This challenge is here to change that. Participating in the challenge will give you the foundation to create dialogue with others around climate as well as concrete tools and steps for actions. Additionally, you’ll connect to a global community that shares your concerns.

Climate Awake is an all-levels challenge, meant for the entire global yoga community. It is estimated that 2 billion people on the planet practice yoga - imagine the power of 2 billion people focused on reversing Climate Change! We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Climate Awake is presented over the course of 5 weeks. Each week has a meaningful conversation around a specific theme, as well as an embodied yoga practice for the theme and meditation. You’ll find additional resources embedded in each week of the challenge, that support you in taking action. Climate Awake has an incredible teaching team - Shiva Rea, Sierra Hollister, Michelle Johnson, Chelsey Korus and Hawah Kasat are all committed to taking you on a journey that will activate and empower you.

Climate Awake has been structured to provide you with:

Vidya: The first week is structured around the theme of Vidya or knowledge. You’ll gain access to a deeper understanding of Climate Change as well as an embodied practice to help you hold that knowledge.

Dukha: The second week acknowledges that we cannot help but feel sorrow and grief as we sit with the knowledge of climate change and the implications. You’ll be supported in recognizing your grief and moving it through your body, mind and spirit.

Sangha: The third week looks at our community, both local and global, with a special focus on how climate change is playing out in a disproportionate way around the world. The yoga sequence and meditation are affirmative for expanding our understanding of our community.

Kriya: The fourth week delves into Action! Here we focus on specific steps we can take as individuals as well as a collective. The yoga sequence and meditation will fire you up for action.

Sadhana: The fifth and final week allow us to move into being Climate Awake as part of our daily practice. Here we understand that the changes we need to make are similar to making yoga a part of your life. The practice and meditation will inspire you to stay Climate Awake and support others in taking action as well.

To sign up for the challenge - visit this link

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Ring in Love
2:00 PM14:00

Ring in Love

Join Sierra & Luna Ray for an afternoon of yogic flow to live music for creation, manifestation & the realization of all that you hope for in 2019!

2019 is the tantric numerology of 3 ~ the positive or projective mind!

In our time together, we’ll create the seed of a vision board, then practice yoga & mantra together to strengthen & balance our positive mind, all set to live music ~

Sign up now to reserve your space

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Purify the Temple
2:00 PM14:00

Purify the Temple

“the body is your temple, keep it pure & clean for the soul to reside in.” ~ b.k.s. iyengar

Cleanse your body, mind & spirit of 2018! Releasing the energies of the past year, making room for the new year! In this workshop we will move, chant, meditate & release the somatic holding of the year we’ve just lived. There will be a gong bath to close, renewing & restoring our nervous system.

This workshop will be vigorous but accessible to all levels.

Sign up early to reserve your space.

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Radiant Body Yoga Teacher Training
to May 27

Radiant Body Yoga Teacher Training

  • Asheville Yoga Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Radiant Body Yoga Teacher Training

with Kia Miller and Sierra Hollister

200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certified

Price for all three sessions: $3100

$2900 with Early Bird Special

(Save $200 if you sign up by November 8, 2017)

The training comprises three separate modules, to be taken in this order:

Part 1: January 5 – 14, 2018

10-Day Foundations of Yoga with Kia Miller

Part 2: March 7 – 11, 2018

5-Day Kundalini Compass with Sierra Hollister

Part 3: May 18 – 27, 2018

10-Day The Subtle Body with Kia Miller

Radiant Body is a holistic approach to yoga that has its roots in the ancient Kundalini and Tantric traditions. This path is dedicated to helping people live with greater awareness so they can help others do the same. The practice offers a potent combination of asana, pranayama, intelligent use of the bandhas, and a profound understanding of the subtle body. This includes knowledge of the koshas, kleshas, gunas, visualization, use of kriya, yogic history, and philosophy.

The Radiant Body yoga teacher training combines the technical precision of Ashtanga and Iyengar with the subtle dimensions of Kundalini. The training is a comprehensive, life-affirming process that explores the healing and transformational practices of yoga, and empowers students on their personal path and as a teacher. Come and initiate an effortless flow of wisdom, so that teaching becomes not so much a simple regurgitation of what has been learned, but a sharing from one’s own experience and an inner place of connection and peace.

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Ring in Love
2:00 PM14:00

Ring in Love

Join Sierra and Luna Ray for a yogic flow of creation, meditation and live music to manifest your intentions for 2018. The yogic numerology for 2018 is 11 or Embodiment. This is the state of no duality, divine vision and the flow of truth, within and without. In our time together, we’ll create the seed of a vision board and then practice a sequence to strengthen the Embodiment of our hopes and dreams for 2018. This is a gentle offering, appropriate for all levels.

This workshop is an annual event and early registration is encouraged to reserve your space. 

The cost is $40 and registration is available at Asheville Yoga Center

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Purify the Temple
2:00 PM14:00

Purify the Temple

“… worship does not mean offering flowers. It means offering your whole heart to the vast mystery …” ~Radiance Sutras

The body is the temple of the soul. This work shop is an opportunity to cleanse the temple-, purify the heart, mind and spirit. Using the beauty and technology of Kundalini Yoga, we’ll do a practice specifically designed to release the energy of 2017 so we can greet 2018 anew, in all ways. The practice will be vigorous but accessible to all levels, from beginner to advanced practitioner.

All levels are welcome. This event is an annual event and early registration is encouraged to reserve your space. The cost is $40 and you can register online with Asheville Yoga Center.

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Yoga for Runners & Athletes
5:30 PM17:30

Yoga for Runners & Athletes

I've been an avid runner for most of my life and I am excited to share how yoga has supported my running and my body!

This is a 4 week series - Thursday evenings from 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm at Asheville Yoga Center, running through the month of December.

Yoga restores balance and symmetry to the body, making it the perfect complement to running. While runners might be drawn to yoga to deal with specific issues – like improving flexibility or helping with an injury – yoga can also strengthen your body, increase running times, help with breath capacity and balance muscles underutilized by running. In short, yoga can totally boost your running!

No previous yoga experience is needed for this class and the class is open to all. Anyone looking to stay injury-free and increase flexibility, strength, and peace of mind will enjoy this series.

All levels are welcome! The cost is $60 for the series and you can register at Asheville Yoga Center online!

photo : gratitude to Andrea Killam

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5 day Kundalini Immersion
to Sep 8

5 day Kundalini Immersion

5-Day Kundalini Intensive

This event is a 300 Hour RYT Teacher Training module.  They are open to all, though you will get the most out of them if you have some yoga experience. We consider these advanced yoga studies. You do not need to be working on 300 hour certification to take this training. Full attendance required for 300-hour credit.

300-hour YA credit
All Levels Welcome

Save $100 if you sign up July 10, 2017
$550 with Early Bird Discount!
($650 after July 10, 2017)

$250 Deposit, or pay in full.
Balance due one week before start.

Monday - Thursday 8:00am- 12:00pm | 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am- 12:00pm

This immersion is designed to take you deeper into the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga. You will join a special group of both aspiring and experienced yoga teachers as well as serious students who are ready to deepen their practice and experience transformation in supportive atmosphere. Bring your curiosity, your deepest hopes and an open heart for a journey that will allow you to experience your true self as well as learn how to share this technology with others.

Curriculum will include:
• Practice and theory of Kundalini kriyas, sequences, postures
• Exploration of choosing meditations, mantras and pranayamas
• Esoteric Yoga Anatomy including the ten bodies, the eight chakras, nadis, meridians and the pranic vayus
• Kundalini Yoga in daily life as well as lifestyle considerations
• Kundalini practices for healing our past as well as our present
• The tradition of Kundalini Yoga and the golden chain
• The value of sadhana and continued education



A passion for yoga
A desire to deepen your own practice
A daily yoga practice as of today!
A minimum of 12 months practicing yoga, any style, with a qualified teacher

Required Reading: 
Kundalini Yoga, Sadhana Guidelines by Yogi Bhajan

Recommended Reading:
Foundations of Yoga-The Eight-limbed Path by Sierra Hollister

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Rise In Love : A Morning of Movement & Mantra
8:00 AM08:00

Rise In Love : A Morning of Movement & Mantra

Join Sierra & Luna Ray at Asheville Yoga Festival for a morning designed to celebrate life. Our bodies are temples for our radiant and beautiful souls. This workshop will be movement, pranayama, meditation and chanting that is full yet gentle. Perfect for the morning and perfect to lift and enliven you and prepare you to #getyourashevilleyogafeston.

For more information on the Asheville Yoga Festival, visit them at and you can purchase tickets at


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The Alchemy of Showing up: Compassion, Connection & Resilience through Sacred Activism
1:00 PM13:00

The Alchemy of Showing up: Compassion, Connection & Resilience through Sacred Activism

The Universe is a big, magical place that is waiting for you to show up, and share your heart, soul, and true self. This time will include a practice to discern our unique inner call, tools for staying replenished in challenging times and ways in which you can answer the call to action. By finding and inhabiting our place in the ever changing universe, by matching our yearning to the longing in the world, we follow our hearts and heed the call to sacred activism.

Join Sierra & Luna Ray at the Asheville Yoga Festival for an incredible weekend! Learn more about Asheville Yoga Festival at and buy tickets for the festival at

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Connection Creates Resilience
8:00 PM20:00

Connection Creates Resilience

Join us Wednesday, May 3rd at 8pm for this very special co-collaborative event of song and action! Held at Asheville Yoga Center. Tickets available at under Events section.

Come and participate in: a mindfulness practice, a conversation on yoga and activism with Sierra Hollister, an acoustic concert with Leah and Chloe of Rising Appalachia.

All proceeds will go to Light A Path, a 501 c3 that brings tools of wellness and yoga to local area prisons, schools, recovery centers, and programs serving the homeless. Light A Path's mission of creating resilience through connection happens every day with the incarcerated, youth at risk, the unhoused, and people in recovery in Asheville and surrounding areas. 

$40 donation

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Ring in Love
2:00 PM14:00

Ring in Love

Sierra & Luna Ray will create a beautiful experience of meaningful ritual for you - on this day, the first day of the year. Using movement, mantra, music & meditation, we call in our hopes and intentions for 2017 ~ the year of the 10th Body, the Radiant Body.

Participants will also begin the seed of a vision board, so begin collecting images now!

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Purify the Temple
2:00 PM14:00

Purify the Temple

"Worship does not mean offering flowers. It means offering your heart to the vast mystery. It means being so in love that you are willing to dissolve and be recreated in every moment." ~from the Radiance Sutras

Cleanse body, mind & spirit ~ releasing the old, making way for the new! Practice will be vigorous, soul satisfying and accessible to all levels. 

This event is annual & sells out each year. Reserve your place early. Bless yourself in all ways.

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