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Purify the Temple

This workshop is the result of personal ritual and practice that spans 30+ years. It has become an annual event, previously offered as a New Year’s Eve workshop, in person and now as a virtual event with recording accessible for lifetime access.

It is incredibly valuable to come together & work with the kriyas of Kundalini Yoga to cleanse the body, mind & spirit in a deeper & more comprehensive way. To arrive with the intention of releasing the energy of the preceding year, fully and completely from the Temple of our Bodies.

In light of being in the heart of winter, the practice is always vigorous. We seek to purify ourselves deeply and completely ~ a final wash. While vigorous, it is always accessible to all levels, from beginner to advance practitioner. Modifications are offered as well as reminders to do what you can and rest when you need.

You can join this event in real time, virtually, or practice with the recording later. As with all of my courses, there is lifetime access to the recording.

Registration prior to December 31st is required. To register, use this link

Later Event: June 11