I’m so very happy you are here and if I could, I would greet you with an embrace, a warm mug of something fragrant and nourishing and together, we would find a comfortable seat. Settle in and get to know each other.
Time is precious ~ yes?
There’s lots of tabs to click here and things to read, ways to be together but what feels most important to share with you initially is this:
I’ve been in love with earth as long as I can remember ~ fragrant soil, soft and crumbly mountain ranges, vast and sparkling oceans, so very many trees, owls and salamanders, sunsets and snow … infinite landscapes of wild and pure, perennially calling us home, to true home.
Along the way, I’ve also fallen deeply in love with yoga, the ever present invitation to remember our deep connection to all that is. A path that we can walk through life, finding balance and vitality ~ in a world that challenges all notions of well-being.
And this: my heartfelt wish is your well-being. I wish for you the living experience of health, happiness, connection and peace.
One of my gifts is a deep well of love struck wonder, awe and knowing. This is the well that I draw from for my work and service in the world. I seek to refresh, replenish and restore the soul ~ for that is the home of your own wonder, love, awe and knowing.
my work and service in the world tends to three realms, sometimes overlapping :
"Let the beauty we love be what we do~ there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."
- Rumi

~ don’t you love the sound of that?
While it feels like I dwell in all things yoga, that couldn’t possibly be true!
What is true : yoga is lodestone, compass, guidance and salvation for me. A realm of impossible beauty, perpetual reset, abiding joy, infinite learning and the truest true.
This is the realm of weekly classes, yoga teacher training, moon circles, special events, workshops, retreats and festivals.
This is a physical realm and our work here is embodied, in the truest sense.
Our words can cast spells, lay enchantments, provide direction, offer guidance, give solace, create maps for others to follow, inspire new windows of thinking and understanding, educate, encourage and create the architecture of meaningful change in the world.
Words have power as well as the potential to live on beyond us.
We all communicate in the language of the subtle ~ the gaze, the gesture, touch and the language of the body. Yet words offer us an opportunity to be unequivocal, committed and locked into precise points in time and space.

You and I both know that a more beautiful world is possible. This knowing is the soft ache in your heart, sometimes cognizant as the “there must be something more” whisper.
I believe that we were designed for something more … that our destiny is to awaken and unfold the love within us and allow it to flow in the same way that sunlight touches everything and everyone. The sun does not withhold its light, deeming one worthy and another not. And so it must be with us ~ finding the way and doing the work, removing whatever obstacles and misunderstandings that block love, respect, kindness and compassion for all.
This is the work of our lifetime, the biggest work and our greatest calling ~ to not only love and liberate each other from suffering but to love all life, to understand the inherent rights of all ~ to an existence free from pain and suffering.
Climate change is the bellwether of all that is out of balance and the overarching wrong, holding all of the other wrongs. There are so very many ways that we can come together to create the shift, to build together, the more beautiful world we know in our hearts is possible.