Moon Milk : Dark Moon Dreams

In a recent sharing of one of my Moon Milk recipes, I realized that many of you didn’t know about Moon Milks. As well, many of you are seeking wholesome and natural ways to cross the threshold to sleep.

And so – this little Moon Milk is quite lovely! Dark Moon Dreams is subtle, nuanced – more of an invitation to other realms than a prompt delivery to sleep.

Without further ado-

Moon Milk : Dark Moon Dreams

*this makes one cup but I often will quadruple and make a quart at a time

1 tablespoon dried mugwort, chopped

2 teaspoons dried damiana leaves

Water, 1 cup      

Milk, ½ cup – oat, almond, coconut, cow – whichever works for you

Optional – Honey or Maple syrup to taste

~ Place herbs into Mason jar. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over herbs and cover with lid. Let herbs steep for a minimum of 15 minutes. (I often leave to steep overnight)

~ Strain tea through fine mesh sieve into saucepan. Heat gently. Add milk. Bring to almost boil and remove from heat. If sweetening, add now and whisk. Pour into mug and adorn in any way that gladdens your heart. Enjoy!


Many will find the dark moon times less challenging to sleep cycles ~ both due to the darker sky as well as the way the moon impacts our glandular system. This version of Moon Milk is mild, and like all Moon Milks, offers a very specific and unique magic.

Both Mugwort and Damiana are known as “dream plants”. In addition to its sedative effects, Mugwort also enhances circulation, is a tonic for the liver and offers support and ease for digestion, bloating and cramping during moontimes (bleeding cycle).

Damiana is both gentle as well as sense enhancing. When I drink Damiana, my heart feels eased ~ my mood is enhanced and I feel so relaxed! This beautiful little herb offers benefits to the nervous system as well as the reproductive system.

NOTE : These are medicinal teas and as such, you should consider if appropriate for you. If unsure, ask your doctor or an herbalist. Mugwort is related to ragweed and could potentially aggravate allergies. Damiana should be avoided in early pregnancy.

#moonmilk #ayurveda #moon #moonpath #moonmedicine #darkmoon #mugwort #damiana #dreamtime



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