उपकारज्ञता : Upakārajñatā (grateful)

“Every human being needs loftiness, exaltedness, self-confidence, and appreciation to be grateful that we are alive at this moment and we are alive together. It's like stars in the sky on the same night. Some are big. Some are small. Some are shining. Some come late. Some come earlier. But in the brim of night, all are lit on the axle. On their orbit, they exist. That is the condition of every human.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

This is one of my favorite times of the year. Earth is just so gorgeous, so giving, so profoundly nourishing of the body, mind and senses in late autumn/ early winter.

The air is so fresh, prana is so abundant! With the cold as well as the shortening days and impending holidays, we are called inside – to both gather with friends and family as well as to look within and find some time for reflection.

Many traditional and medicinal cultures witness this time as a time to work on the lung meridian, the large intestine and to work with the energy of letting go.

We’ll be doing all of those things in the next few weeks in yoga as well as allowing the energy of gratitude to infuse all that we do, each breath, each action. Gratitude is a profound state of being – scientifically good for our body, mind & spirit.

My teacher once said that “an attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga”.

I think that you will love these next few weeks of yoga and find them to be a nourishing and uplifting antidote to the business of the season. I do hope you will join me.

Classes open to all are offered on Mondays at 10:00 am at Asheville Yoga Center, Thursdays at 7:00 pm at Asheville Yoga Center

11/19 Attitude of Gratitude

11/26, 29 Prana-full

12/3, 6 Abundance and the green energy Anahata

12/10, 13 And what of letting go?

12/17, 20 If you don’t go within, you go without

12/24, 27 The soul and the body

12/31,1/2, 3 New Again

1/7, 9, 10 Balancing the Sage & the Warrior

1/14, 16, 17 Winter love ~

Come or don’t come : no need to RSVP : there is always room for you, always space held with love. It is an honor & a privilege to experience the teachings together.

Always with so much love, Sierra

Sierra HollisterComment