Vibrate the Cosmos


“Vibrate the cosmos. The Cosmos shall clear the path” is the 5th of 5 sutras that Yogi Bhajan shared with us to give us strength and guidance as we move into the Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian Age is asking us to move beyond the boundaries that are created and generated from ego to a place beyond boundaries, to Infinity. This shift calls upon us to relate to our soul. By relating to our own soul, we have the ability to relate to the soul in all.

The universe seen and perceived as a well-ordered whole, implicit with a sense of harmony and flow, this is the meaning of the word cosmos. We know that the universe is energy, vibration. All of us, at one time or another, have had the experience of being in harmony with and being in disharmony with the world around us.

For us to vibrate the universe is for us to align our deepest selves with the harmony and order of the universe. In this way we will clear the path for our way forward, embodying the higher frequencies of love, compassion and kindness. The time is here and nothing less is demanded of us.

This curriculum will remind us of all that we already have that we need to call upon right now. We will work with body, mind and soul to attune ourselves to our highest destiny, in beauty and truth. Our practice sustains us, lifts us and delivers us to our best selves. Our practice longs to be truly alive, off the mat, ever present, in each breath we take, each gaze we connect to, in our words and actions.

Inspired by all the wisdom ways I have been gifted with so far, I invite you to join me. Using the timeless technology of Kundalini Yoga, the awakened knowledge of my maha teacher, Yogi Bhajan, the insight of poets, mystics, teachers and leaders, we walk together on this heart journey, the way of the true self ~ sharing the fruit of our practice in a world that hungers for the authentic sharing, the compassionate heart and the action of embodied practice.

Now is the time. We are the ones. Let’s rise together.

Offered: Mondays 10:00 am & Thursdays 7:00 pm at Asheville Yoga Center. Fridays 8:45 am at West Asheville Yoga Center.


Week 1: 4/24, 27, 28        Breath & Magnetic Field

Week 2: 5/1, 4, 5              Invocation of the Divine

Week 3: 5/8, 11, 12          Field of the Heart

Week 4: 5/15, 18, 19        Apana & Downward Flow

Week 5: 5/22, 25, 26        Pranic Body & Vitality

Week 6: 5/29, 6/1, 2        Forgiveness & Healing

Week 7: 6/5, 8, 9              Ignite

Week 8: 6/12, 15, 16        Goodness all over

Week 9: 6/19, 22, 23        Summer Solstice

Come or don’t come ~ no need to RSVP ~ there is always room for you, always space held with love. It is an honor & a privilege to share these teachings.

Always with so much love, Sierra




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