Tulasana Sadhana


what is yoga?

If we look to the ancient texts ~ the Rigveda Samhita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and so on ~ we find various definitions and answers to that question, all nuanced slightly differently.

A defining statement on Yoga from the Gheranda Samhita:

1.4 : There is no bondage stronger than maya (illusion), nothing that brings as much strength as Yoga, no greater friend than knowledge and no bigger enemy than ego.

1.5 : Just as with the study of alphabets comes the knowledge of great texts, with the study / practice of Yoga comes the knowledge of truth / substance of truth.

My thoughts on Yoga align with the above and in some way, with all the great teachings on what Yoga is. My own thoughts, after 30+ years of practice are that Yoga is certainly not about your body. The body is simply our home for this incarnation. Yoga, is in fact, a path. To experience Yoga in a meaningful way is to commit to the path, to practice, to learn, to experience ~ in body, in mind, in spirit. This path will lead you, again and again, to your wisest, kindest, most awake and generous self. Yoga aligns us to “Sat Nam” ~ our true self. From this place, our lives are shaped, we see our work in the world, each of us is called in unique ways to pick up the work of liberation, the ways in which we might end suffering in the world. When we are deeply engaged in our Yoga, both on the mat and off the mat, we know Samadhi, we know bliss, we experience the heart of the universe.

There is only one way to truly know Yoga, and that is to practice. We can (and should) read the ancient texts, yet without practice, these teachings will not hold you. Your practice, your sadhana ~ that is what will hold you as well as sustain you through life.


From the deepest part of my soul, from the altar of my heart ~ I have created Tulasana Sadhana to support you in your learning, knowing and practice of Yoga.

Tulasana Sadhana practices are designed to support you in experiencing the yoke and union of Yoga, the luminous and breathtaking beauty of the greatest treasure of all, that which is within you.

Tulasana is a Sanskrit word sourced from two important roots ~ “tula” is balance and “asana” is posture or seat. Sadhana is the Sanskrit word for practice, yet implies much about our practice: dedication, devotion and daily dwelling.

Each Tulasana Sadhana has been curated to support you in different ways. Our daily practice offers us a wealth of tools, including but not limited to:

~healing (our bodies, our wounds, our samskaras, our past and our present). These practices are known as Bhishajyati.

~alignment to Earth, Moon, Sun and the cosmic principles. These practices are known as Ritucharya.

~exploration of the many facets of our being (subtle body anatomy, destiny, abundance, answering the call of our soul). These practices are known as Amrit.

Tulasana Sadhana practices are meant to hold you and guide your practice in specific ways. Some of the sadhanas will offer completion in a specific area, others are meant to be practiced during specific seasons or times, and still others will call you back, again and again, for the rest of your life. All of the practices will offer you equilibrium – a “balanced seat”, a steady way forward in accomplishing a rewarding home practice. You can draw from more than one Tulasana Sadhana at a time.

Each Tulasana Sadhana has been curated with the principles of yoga, Subtle Body anatomy and Ayurveda at the forefront. All Tulasana Sadhana’s include a specific warm-up, specific vinyasa, several kriyas and a meditation as well as a PDF file rich with resources to deepen your immersion into the practice.

To learn more or purchase a Tulasana Sadhana and invest in your daily practice, click on the link below for practice description and details.


 “There is only one way to truly know Yoga, and that is to practice.” 

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